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8 Main Points From "Woman Evolve" - June 2022 Book Review

Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Happy Friday Ladies,

I hope you are doing well and having a great day so far. I also hope you had a great week. Today's post is the June 2022 Book Review.

One of the goals I set for myself this year was to read at least one book a month, with a total of 12. So far this year, I am reading my seventh book. Reading is one of the best ways to grow as a person for every aspect of your life. 

My latest read this year was "Woman Evolve." Woman Evolve is a must-read, and I recommend it to any female of any age. Whether young, middle age or old. In today's post, I will share eight main points from the book. Please read, share, and apply these points to your life. Have a great rest of your day ❤️. 

Point 1: God Never Intended For There To Be Categories: God never intended for categories to define humanity. Categories came when Eve disobeyed GOD. Many ask, "Why is there so much evil in the world?". There was never meant to be evil, and evil continues to exist as long as the devil and his agents go around the earth trying to kill, steal, and destroy. 

Point 2: Keep Going With What GOD Has Said: I love this point because it emphasizes how frustration can often stop Purpose. It is one thing to pursue what we want, such as a career plan to be a doctor, but it is another thing to pursue what GOD wants and face trials and challenges. Trials and Challenges can make us believe we need to walk the right path or route. It is valuable to keep our eyes on the goal. God always backs up His Word; no matter how long and hard it is, we will get to our destiny. Dunsin Oyekan once said, "Destiny is not a destination, but a journey." 

Point 3: God Is Still Giving Out Wings: The quote that stood out to me from this point was, "There are still firsts that must be accomplished, and God believes you are the woman for the job." - Page 188. 

Life is about Purpose; each day on this earth, we ought to discover, pursue, or walk in Purpose. Depending on which phase of your life you are in, Purpose is everything. Most humans spend their lifetime making money and never discover or walk in their Purpose. You can make money from your Purpose, but money should not mock your Purpose. A life spent well is a life where we discover Purpose, walk in it, and fulfill a purpose. 

Point 4: Your Relationship With GOD is Truly Personal, And Do Not Be Afraid To Walk In Its Fullness And Glory: The illustration of Peter's encounter with Jesus while working on Water is a story we all know, but I learned something new. Yes, Peter did not make it, but He was the only disciple with that encounter and the only disciple who got to share that experience with JESUS. 

Our Relationship With GOD is personal. We should not be afraid to walk with GOD fully and honestly. We should not focus on the fears that come but on JESUS. When we walk entirely with CHRIST, we experience things that many do not. This is what makes the Relationship Personal. 

Point 5: There is an Eve and Mary in Every Woman: She said, "I believe that every woman is an Eve and a Mary. There's a version of us who knows better but doesn't always do better. Then there's a version of us with enough faith to say yes to whatever God asks her to do". - Page 158.

This was powerful to be. The critical piece was "Eve recovered and decided to return to the game." There are those days when things go differently than planned, or a year does not go. We must regroup and refocus on the goal. It is okay to feel down or overwhelmed sometimes. Take that pause. I learned the importance of daily self-care and soul care. Soul care is different from self-care. Soul care is for your internal person. The difference between self and soul care is that self-care is to make yourself feel good, and soul care makes you rested. Discover your best self and soul care forms, and incorporate them into your life. 

Point 6: Do Not Work Based On Numbers Or Recognition: As a young woman growing up in a society that only applauds results, getting carried away with the numbers is straightforward. We must focus on the goal. Even if it is one person's life that you impact, one person's life that you influence, or one person's life that you change. You have affected an entire life, an entire existence. It is straightforward to think because it is easy or progressing that, it means nothing, but one can become two, and two can multiply. The highlighted quote is:

 "The footprints that led you to this moment are so similar to where someone is standing you right now - they may never find their way if you don't become their guide. When we realize how interconnected we are, we recognize that our confinement affects not only us but also people we can't see. I could have never imagined that you would be holding this book when I was in my darkest days. I did not think our worlds would collide; I was too busy assessing the damage from my collisions. Yet here we are. I did not know, but God knew". - Page 178. 

Do not Give Up On Your Vision, Dreams, or Goals. Keep Going Based On Your Vision, and Not the Numbers. 

Point 7: Only Strive To Be Better: The critical piece of this point is that it is straightforward to settle in our norm. She made a central point that sometimes, as women, we look down on other women and get comfortable in our systems, habits, and routines instead of settling and believing that our systems, habits, and exercises are okay for us. We should strive to be in an environment that has greater expectations. The highlighted quote is: 

"Whatever you do, make sure you are in an environment where greater expectations are the norm and becoming better is the organic rhythm that leads your community through life" - Page 173. 

Point 8: Knowing You Have Been Anointed: "The most dangerous weapon on the earth is a woman who recognizes that she has been anointed to unleash hostility to her adversary." - page 71. I love this point because women are among the world's most targeted groups. Not only does the system of the world try to limit us sometimes, but the devil and his agencies do, too. A woman who knows her worth, capacity, and value and knows that GOD has placed a great seed in her that is beyond conception is a woman the devil will try to stop in all her tracks. Know Your Worth, Value, and Capacity, and You Have a Great GOD backing it up. 

A quote from Page 90 I want to leave you with is, " When God gives you an opportunity. He is not expecting you to become someone else to fulfill it. He created that opportunity for a specific, authentic version of you. The counterfeit version of you may squeeze into that space, but eventually, you will have to choose to be who you truly are or risk not being able to experience the fullness of why God has placed you there". 

Thank You For Taking the Time To Read Today's Post. Please Be Sure To Get This Book and Read It. I promise it will transform your life. I will see you in the next post ❤️. Have a great rest of your day and a great weekend ahead. 

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