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Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Happy Happy Friday Lavenders,

I hope you are doing well and having a great day so far. This day has been off to a great start. Today's blog is about one of the biggest mistakes I made in my teenage years. I hope you learn a thing from today's blog. As always, please like, share, comment, and subscribe. Thank you.

One of my biggest struggles throughout my teenage years was controlling my emotions. My emotions were intense. I also greatly desired to be loved and be in a relationship. These two combined caused me to make a lot of mistakes. I put myself in situations that caused me to be disrespected, embarrassed, disgraced, etc. I had no self-respect and dignity. Going into my 20s, I was determined to improve and develop my confidence, self-respect, and dignity. Before I turned 19, there was nothing much to me. I was an average teenager who claimed to love God and know Him, but my actions and lifestyle did not show this. If you were to describe me in a sentence, it would probably be like this, "She is a nice, sweet girl who has a kind and genuine heart, and she is brilliant and loves school." That is it.

I struggled to be accepted by people because of how much I was looked down upon. I did not find fulfillment in my life until I turned 19. Ever since childhood, I have wanted to be a writer. For some, this might sound odd, but it was my dream. I love to write. Writing is my passion. I cannot count the number of times I have mentioned it throughout my blog posts. When the idea to start my blog came to me, I felt elated. Being 20 and having a blog alongside my podcast and foundation has been a dream.

The theme of my teenage years was the desire to be loved and be in a relationship. Anytime I liked a guy, I had already imagined our future together. I was desperate to be loved. I share this with you because I know many young females my age or younger are just like me. It is natural and human to desire love and to be loved, but it gets to the point that it takes over your life, which happened to me. My heart was far from the Creator. All that evolved around me was love. I have never been in a relationship before, and this is to show the amount of time I wasted chasing after one. There is so much more to being a teenager than love. Many young females make the mistake of sacrificing their teenage years and most of their lives chasing after love and marriage. Our society could do a better job of discouraging this. Love is great, but the correct type of love is what matters.

For a young female like me who is developing herself, fulfilling her dreams and goals, and trying to fulfill her destiny, being in a relationship does not make sense. I am nothing close to being whole or complete in myself. I have flaws and strengths. I am determined to devote my 20s to knowing God and loving Him.

To discover my gifts, talents, and skills. Although the desire to be loved might always be there, the number one priority in my life is to know God and love Him. At the end of my life, all that will matter is how much I loved my God and served Him. I would have to give an account for every area of my life, but the most important is my heart and love for God. I am on a journey of self-discovery, and to all the young females out here, please join me on this journey by embarking on yours. We are young women with bright futures, but we must develop and train ourselves for it.

Thank you so much for reading. God Bless You and Keep You. As always, like, share, comment, and subscribe. See you next Friday. 🥰

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