Writing this blog post for a while has been in my heart. There is no need for an introduction because I will be genuine and honest. Writing this post has been cumbersome on my heart, and I will dive right in.
I will begin by saying, "Life is a journey, Life is a gift, Life is an opportunity that comes only once." If there is one piece of advice or thing I could tell everyone that I could tell everyone I meet in my lifetime, it is "To Chase GOD." For some people, this is something you hear every day or grew up hearing, but today, I want to point out five significant points wh: your Life on Earth must be about, on, centered, and grounded upon the Creator.
a. The first is Chase the Creator: Life is a gift. Life is truly a gift. Matthew 24:36 says, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." God created Life. He has a reason for Life. He has a purpose for Life. Like everything that has or will ever exist, it has an expiration day. Life has an expiration date. There is a day when it will all come to an end. I often wonder why many believe that Life is worth living without GOD. When you chase GOD, the difference is clear. Wherever you go, be the light. Leave your footprint. There are places you can only go once.
b. Life is worth chasing after the Creator: Chase GOD for the right reasons. The only way to properly understand Life is by purchasing GOD. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Spend Your Life seeking GOD. We all find GOD in different phases and shapes. Let your whole Life radiate GOD. GOD is not a being you should pursue so men can praise you. GOD is not a being you pursue for the blessings. Once we seek GOD and have an understanding of Life. We pursue GOD with a genuine and authentic heart and live Life for HIM, With Him, Through Him, and By HIM. Living for, with, through, and By Him does not make you a slave to GOD but a friend and lover of GOD. When you walk with GOD, you know what Life is truly about. Life is not how the world views it. The world enhances their views and philosophies, and those who follow it will be carried with the world, but those who seek after GOD will get the proper understanding of the meaning of Life.
c. Death is Real: Epistles can be written about you, but only GOD will give the judgment. So please choose GOD and not the applause of men. People can say, "She was a lover of GOD," "She was a great mother," or "He was a great leader," but to GOD, you were never known. He knew you as His Creation, but not as a Seeker of Him and His Presence.
d. Heaven and Hell is Real: Heaven is the end goal. Everything we do each day should be centered on HEAVEN. Let your eyes be on HEAVEN. Life is a road, the destination; our home is HEAVEN.
e. The Account is Real: Your Relationship With GOD, Your Relationship With Family, Your Purpose, Your Destiny, Your Money, Your Time, Your Body, Your Mind, Your Dressing, Your Everything will be asked about. Every day is a gift. Use each day wisely. Spend Each Day In Of Your Life For The Creator.
None of us are here forever. Live your Life to the fullest. Life is only once. It is for a certain amount of years. We all hope and pray and declare to live long, but GOD knows how many years we have. Eternal Life is Real. :) I will meet you there.
Everything I am and will ever be is because of GOD. Everything you are and will ever be is because of WHO.