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One Life

Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Happy Sunday, Ladies. I hope you are doing well and having a great day so far. It has been in my heart to write this post, and I finally got to do it recently. This post is dedicated to habits and patterns that enable us to make the most of our Life on this earth.

The title, "One Life," stems from the fact that we only have one Life on this earth. One shot at proving ourselves to GOD. If you think about your Life as your treasure given to you by GOD to keep, mold, and create, you will live differently.

I always say that the dash between the date, the year you were born, and your death date, the year, is the Life you live now. Live your Life so that future generations can be inspired to make the most of theirs. Set your path, live to live GOD, and make the most of this one shot.

Here are Ten Ways to make the most of your Life.

Salvation: The first and most important way to make the most of your Life is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior. You probably have heard this multiple times, but if you do not see the One who Created Life. It would help if you learned the reason for and existence of Life. If you have yet to accept Jesus as your Lord and Personal Savior, Please accept Him into your Life today. todayLifehardened heart is a fool's heart. God exists, and He is the Creator of the Universe. Let Him into your heart and Life today, not let the systems and lies of the world distract your heart and Life from living and meeting the True Living GOD.

The Word of GOD: John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Only Way To Know GOD is through His WORD. God granted us His Word For US to know HIM more every day of our lives. GOD cannot be fully known in any man's lifetime or generation.

Self-Discovery: From Knowing GOD, you discover yourself. You are a unique individual. You were created for a reason. GOD does not create without a purpose. God is intentional about Everything HE DOES. You are here during the lifetime that you are for a purpose. This year is 2022. I am alive and here for a reason; the question is, "What are you doing to contribute to the Kingdom of GOD and the advancement of the Kingdom of GOD during your lifetime. When we leave this earth, GOD is going to ask every one of us, "what was your contribution during every day, week, month and year you were on the earth?".

Purpose: Do you know the reason you are on this earth? The purpose is Everything. It is the reason for your existence. The purpose is individualized, but it is our contributions to GOD's Kingdom. We can only discover our purpose by knowing GOD and asking HIM what our purpose is. The earlier you find out your purpose, the better it will be. Please discover your purpose.

Giving: I once heard that "the hand of the giver" will always be on top. Proverbs 19:17 says, "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will repay Him For His Deed." Giving to people experiencing poverty is the only channel of giving we are instructed to do. We are also supposed to give to orphans and widows; James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Kingdom Advancement Endeavors: You might wonder what "Kingdom Advancement Endeavors" is. Kingdom Advancement Endeavors are your intentional endeavors to advance the Kingdom of GOD. They include evangelism: going out into your environment, city, state, and world to preach the Gospel of Christ and giving to advance the Kingdom of GOD. I give to foundations, churches, and organizations advancing GOD's Kingdom on earth and giving out daily tracks that preach the Gospel of Christ and the Love for GOD for humanity. Daily Advancement of the Kingdom is our most significant contribution to the Kingdom of GOD on the earth.

Knowledge: Gain Knowledge: How do you gain knowledge, you might ask? Listen to Podcasts: Godly Podcasts. Podcasts on Self-Development, Self-Growth, Growing and Expanding Your Mind, etc. Just ensure that the podcast is enlightening and empowering and that its approach is godly. Do not just fill yourself and your Life with Life; let them be the things of GOD. Read Godly Books on every aspect of Life. FinaLife, listen to TED Talks and expand beyond yourself.

Wisdom: Gain wisdom. I am still trying to discover how to gain wisdom by reading GOD's Word. Proverbs 8:23 says, "I was formed long ages ago, at the very beginning, when the world came to be." Wisdom is the only way we can succeed in Life. WisdLifes the key to the proper Life. ProvLife 8:34-36 says, "Happy are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home! For whoever finds me finds Life and life approval from the LORD. But those who miss me have injured themselves. All who hate me love death". Get wisdom; she is the path to a fulfilled and godly life.

Exercise: Exercise your body: Physical Health is Everything. Exercising your body helps your mind, spirit, and soul. Working out regularly is crucial to a healthy and long life on earth. Keep your body fit and in shape for your overall health and well-being.

Expand: Go beyond yourself. One thing that I do regularly is reflect on my Life. I refer to my past, present, and future. I am constantly evaluating my Life and living for ways to be a better Toluwanimi—the best version of myself. Go beyond your comfort zone. Your Life should be beyond the regular and norm. Strive to be different, be a difference, make a difference, and impact society.

I do not just write for the present generations; I write for the future generations that are yet to be born or even exist.

Thank you for reading :). See you in the next one ❤️.

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