The little things, they are the threads that weave the tapestry of my life, making it so beautiful. This Thanksgiving, these little things fill not just my heart, but my entire being, with an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude.Â
A. Oxygen - Free Air to Live and Praise GOD. The very breath we take is a gift from God, sustaining our lives and allowing us to worship Him.Â
B. Water - Access to Clean Water
C. Peace - Internal Peace is something we all desire, and to have it is a blessing.Â
D. Finances - To afford basic life needs is a blessing.Â
E. Faith - having faith in Christ in the earth's last days is crucial and essential. However, faith can take many forms, and it's not limited to any specific religion. It's about believing in something greater than ourselves, whether that's a higher power, the universe, or the inherent goodness of humanity.Â
F. GOD—God is the loving provider of all these things; life's little and essential things are His gifts to us. Without His grace, we would not have oxygen, water, peace, or the means to survive. He is the source of all our blessings.Â
The little things in life, often overlooked, are where the true blessings lie. When we express gratitude for the air we breathe, we open our hearts to see the blessings in the more significant aspects of life. This practice of gratitude can also lead us to a deeper understanding of faith, as we recognize that these blessings are not mere coincidences, but gifts from a loving God.Â
This Thanksgiving, I challenge myself and you to thank GOD for the little things 😇.Â
Happy Thanksgiving 2024. I hope you are doing well and having a great week so far.Â
Thank you so much for reading; God Bless You Greatly. If you are reading and have different beliefs, I invite you to explore the possibility of faith. Open your heart and mind, and consider the idea that there may be a higher power guiding our lives. Please consider this prayer: "Heavenly Father, I am a sinner, and I come to you to ask you to forgive me for my terrible sins. Thank you for dying for my sins and bearing the shame on that Cross so I may have eternal life. Today, I confess with my mouth that I have sinned against you, and believe with my whole heart that Jesus is Lord, and God raised Him from the dead on the third day. He is seated on the Heavenly throne and intercedes on my behalf. I give you my heart, soul, and life and pray that I will obey thy Word. In the precious name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen."Â
If you just said that prayer, welcome to the family of believers. Congratulations!! Heaven rejoiced; God is so glad and happy to have you in his family. Now, as you begin this new chapter in your life, I encourage you to seek out a community of believers who can support and guide you. You can start by reaching out to a local church or joining an online faith group. I will be praying for you and your walk with God. Feel free to contact me on the next steps in this new chapter in your life. Just fill out the keep in touch form on the home page, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you once again for reading. God Bless You. Watch out for the next post soon. Have a blessed week, Thank You.Â