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Why Christ Is Worth Living For?

Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Happy New Month Ladies,

I hope your month of July was excellent. Today's post is another deep one. I hope you read with an open heart and mind and learn from it.

Dear Woman,

The world is full of many theories, philosophies, and ideas. I discovered in a book I read recently that God never intended for the world to be filled with the diverse theories, perspectives, and ideas it has today.

The book was 'Woman Evolve" by Sarah Jakes Roberts. She stated, "For some reason, God did not want Humanity to know good and evil. God did not want you to be able to look at your body as good or look at your failures as evil. He did not want you to be able to look at those who hurt you or whom you hurt as evil. He did not even want you to see those who helped you as good. He wanted us to have an existence not restricted to categories". This was at the end of Page 37.

Following CHRIST Wholeheartedly requires deep desire and passion, dedication, patience, and commitment to GOD.

There are five significant reasons why Christ is Worth Living For. To begin, Christ should not be a debate. GOD is not a human; He is the Creator. Many people address Christ and following Christ like it is a chore. Most Humanity follows Christ just for the acknowledgment or applause of Men. If you are doing something or following someone, follow them with all your heart. Be Diligent, Be Committed.

The five reasons why following Christ is Worth It is:

1) There are many excellent dimensions of GOD to be discovered: Dimensions of Who He is and Not Just What He Does. I can understand why many people worldwide are all about what Christ does rather than who He is. 1 Corinthians 2:14 says, "The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit." We must know GOD for who He is and not What He Does. The way we pursue GOD should be far more profound than how we chase relationships, love, marriage, money, etc. GOD created these systems for our Life on Earth, but each should be used to glorify GOD. Discovery of GOD should not be because we are trying to appear good, righteous, or holy; it should be from the depth of our hearts.

2) Clarity: Following Christ grants you clarity in Life. Life is not a perfect journey, but following Christ grants you clarity. Clarity on how to live your daily life to please GOD and serve Humanity. Clarity on how to fulfill your purpose. Clarity on how to know what Life is truly about. Clarity about the reason for the existence of Life. Many people have different definitions of what Life is truly about or the reason behind Life, but it is about CHRIST. The only way to discover the reason for Life is to know the One Who created Life. Know GOD for yourself. Build your intimacy with Him on a level only you and he knows and understands. Your Relationship With GOD should be personal. Know GOD for Who He Is, and Not Just What He Does.

3) Unending Joy in Christ On Earth and Heaven: John 16:33 says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Unending Joy in Christ does not mean we would not experience challenges or trials. It just means that Life on Earth would be worth living rather than for the world. Unending Joy in Christ is walking daily with and in HIM. Being in Christ is the secret to unending joy. It is a joy that many cannot understand because it is not human. It is Heavenly; it is God-given. It is internal, and it consumes every piece and part of you. I have experienced and continue to experience this joy. It only comes from GOD.

4) The Rewards That Await You: Several crowns will be awarded in Heaven for each aspect and area of our lives. The Word Of GOD should be our guide; one of the crowns we would be given in Heaven is caring for widows and orphans and keeping ourselves from being corrupted by the world. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." For every good deed done, there is a reward, not for the blessings that come with it, but from the genuineness of our hearts. Reward for every aspect of our lives. Work each day with eternity in mind.

5) Eternal Life is Real: Heaven and Hell is Real. The Word of GOD states clear guidelines and standards for entering Heaven. If one of those requirements is not met, our entry into Heaven is a dream and not a reality. We must earn our spot in eternity. Although our salvation in Christ secures our eternal Life, we must live and strive each day to be like Christ. Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me". When we give our lives to Christ, Christ lives in us. Grant Christ the full access to Your Soul. The Holy Spirit guides us; let Him guide your daily Life. Let Him guide you to Eternal Life.

Life on Earth is a journey, but it is Worth It In and Through Christ. Thank you for reading today's post :). See you in the next one.

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